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Celebrate Earth

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Earth has taken care and sustained us for millennia. If you love anyone younger than you, please consider leaving them an Earth that can sustain them as well. Clean air and clean affordable water are not a given, neither are healthy oceans or rainforests. We can all do our part in protecting our only home. Here are some simple ideas:

-Consume less meat and other animal products in general (the majority of rainforest destruction is due to clearing for cattle production)

-Avoid buying products that come in single use plastic packaging (maybe trade your bottled water for a reusable metal, ceramic, or plastic sports water bottle) Choose glass containers when possible.

-Bring your own reusable bag to the store and avoid taking their plastic bags

-Conserve water

-Reduce the amount of paper you use

-Buy less of everything (who needs a new shirt, shoes, or makeup every month?)

-Buy second hand when possible

-Plant a tree (or as many as you can)

-Ask your friends to love Earth too